Ross and Carrie Find Their Rythmia (Part 9): Ross in Peace Edition


It's MaxFunDrive, and you know what that means: we're about to release our best episodes of the whole year. In this episode, Ross participates in his fourth and final ayahuasca ceremony, with frightening and dangerous results. Will Rythmia live up to its reputation as a "really safe environment" that is "very attentive to whatever it is you might need medically"? Or is this story about to turn dark? Find out. 

Oh and by the way, every time we hit 1,000 additional members during the drive, we will release a new Rythmia episode right away! How fast can YOU take your ayahuasca?

And hey, you can add our RSS feed here!

Ross and Carrie Find Their Rythmia (Part 8): Bob Nu-Heart Edition


The Rythmia guests, recovering from a night of intense ayahuasca trips, wake up early to attend Gerry's "Nu-heart" talk, wherein he reveals what color our auras will soon be, explains what questions to ask of Mother Ayahuasca tonight, and tells everyone to ignore any suspicions that they're overdosing. Plus, we learn what our lives will be like for the two weeks after we return home, and salesman Marty tries to sell us their post-Rythmia assimilation package, Rythmia Life.

And hey, you can add our RSS feed here!

Ross and Carrie Find Their Rythmia (Part 7): Ladies' Night Edition

Ross returns to the ceremony room for his third night with Mother Ayahuasca. A group of all female shamans and assistants sends him off on a quest to hang out with insects, meet a cartoon rodent, see inside his own brain, and dance with a poisonous animal, before things turn dark. Plus, he learns a lot of deep lessons. Which body of water unites us all? Is Ross actually clever? And should he buy a filing cabinet?

And hey, you can add our RSS feed here!

Ross and Carrie Find Their Rythmia (Part 6): Amorous Yogurt Edition


It's Wednesday morning at Rythmia, and Ross and Carrie are well on their way to spiritual wholeness. They head off to find out what question they are the answer to, and to improve their relationships through love gardening. Then the two of them head off to find the ocean and MEET DOGS! Plus, water hears your thoughts, yogurt experiences love, and an influx of Australians is nothing short of a miracle.

Carrie's list of recommended reading/watching on critical thinking, spirituality and cultic groups.
Carrie's list of books and DVDs from belief sets we've investigated.
Ross's list of books he's read (with reviews). 

And hey, you can add our RSS feed here!

Ross and Carrie Find Their Rythmia (Part 5): Dancing With Orion Edition


Ross returns for his second night of ayahuasca and takes three helpings of the potent hallucinogen. After suffering the depths of disgust, solitude and confusion, he dances with the stars, meets an alien/human hybrid, and passes out in front of the bathroom. All this and more in part 5 of our Rythmia investigation!

And hey, you can add our RSS feed here!