Ross and Carrie Give Feldenkrais a Felden-try: SF Sketchfest Edition

Photo credit: Michael Charboneau

Photo credit: Michael Charboneau

Live from Sketchfest, Ross and Drew tell Carrie and a bunch of wet San Franciscans about their date to get the Feldenkrais Method, an exercise therapy that proposes using gentle movement to increase awareness and benefit people with physical disabilities. (Plus, Ross and Drew touch each other a lot?) Then, they are joined by long-time friend Lawrence Carter-Long, an expert in disability issues who has tried the method himself.

Ross and Carrie Analyze their Auras: Written Report Edition


After visiting an aura reader in Brooklyn, Ross and Carrie head home to their loved ones... and to about thirty pages of insight into their emotions, sex lives, and other things you probably shouldn't be able to tell from a machine you put your hand on for less than a minute. Here, they review Carrie's report, and Ross' TWO reports. A reports report, if you will. (And you will.)

Read our aura reports here

Ross and Carrie and the Aura Appointment: Brooklyn Live Show Edition

Photo credit: Amelia Beamish

Photo credit: Amelia Beamish

Live from Brooklyn, New York, Ross and Carrie tell a packed, enthusiastic crowd about their stop at a local holistic center to have their auras read. Carrie has a pretty healthy aura -- plugged into her intuition as she is -- but Ross, hoo boy. He needs some work, let me tell you. And both Carrie and Ross have one chakra that's nearly dead. Plus, the sweet and funny Dan and Stuart from MaxFun's own The Flop House join in to review Carrie's very favorite Christian movie, "The Appointment." You don't want to miss your appointment with this episode (or you will be sent straight to Hell).

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Ross and Carrie Read the Greats: Dramatic Performance Edition

It's story time! Sit down and eat some cookies as Ross and Carrie pull literature from their odd collections and share passages from the investigations you all know and love. Hear from Rael, Tony Alamo, Bob Larson, and Lafayette Ronald Hubbard in this dramatic reading edition.

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Ross and Carrie and Psychic Sister Rocky: Clairdoyant Edition


The government is shut down, the climate is in trouble, and Carrie lost her fallopian tubes. Can a Hollywood storefront psychic deliver some reassurance about the next twelve months, yes or no? Sister Rocky will answer that question for only ten dollars. No, wait, twenty-five dollars. No, wait, fifty dollars. Find out what false accusation will be leveled at Ross, where Carrie will develop cancer (or not? Wait, yes, definitely!), and the secret ingredient for any spiritual healing. Sister Rocky's got it all.

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