Ross and Carrie Meet Sylvia Browne’s Son: 2107 Edition

Ross and Carrie receive phone consultations from psychic Chris Dufresne, son of famed psychic Sylvia Browne. One of them has rare psychic abilities and a psychic guide named Aaron, and the other is a healer who will bond with a cockatoo. They each discover what is in store for them in 2023, what happens when you die, and when and how the world is going to end. (It’s soon and it’s cinematic!) 

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Ross and Carrie Remember James Randi: Semi-Santa Christmas Edition

Ho ho ho! Here is a holiday special that forgets it’s a holiday special within minutes! It’s about a magician named James Randi, who dedicated his life to exposing dishonesty among psychics, faith healers, and other paranormal purveyors. Carrie remembers the six months she worked with Randi, and Ross explains the related paranormal testing operation with which he volunteers.

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Ross Boards the Ark (Part 5): Teaching Critical Thinking

It’s another trip to the Ark Experience in Kentucky! This time, Ross learns the miraculous properties of water and how to responsibly light his friends on fire. Next, Carrie and Ross look critically at a homeschooling class on Teaching Critical Thinking. Does the Bible simply offer good advice, or is knowing the Bible itself critical thinking, which flows directly from the Godhead? The answer may not surprise you. Also, Ross takes what might be the most uniquely American photo.

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Ross Boards the Ark (Part 4): Bible In Motion Edition

Ross is back at the Ark Experience in Kentucky, where he joins a bunch of homeschooling mothers in the kitchen for the busy mom’s guide to romance, sees the full Armor of God in the flesh, and finally memorizes all the key events of the Old Testament using hand motions. Carrie is equally fascinated by chief busy mom Heidi St. John, but can she stay awake through the Bible lesson? It’s an adventure that is positively Ze-rubbable!

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Ross Boards the Ark (Part 3): Secrets of the Ark Edition

Ross checks out the gift shop before heading to his favorite event of his entire Ark Encounter: a tour led by Tim Chaffey, content manager for Answers in Genesis’s attractions division. As Ross passes through musically themed halls with a group of headphone-wearing homeschoolers, Tim details the math, analytics, and something you might call science that went into building the Ark Encounter.

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