Ross and Carrie Get In Shape (House): Sweat Sleeve Edition

Ross and Carrie pack their bones and flesh into the world's hottest sleeping bag and sweat their toxins, fat, and stress away, thanks to Shape House, "the first and only urban sweat lodge." Along with their friend Allan Amato, they strap themselves into individual  infrared sauna beds, raise the temperature to mega-sweat levels, and bake out all the grody stuff built up in their disgusting, Los Angeles-infested bodies.

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Ross and Carrie Haunt Haunted Seattle: Epigenetics Edition


Live with a wonderful audience at PodCon in Seattle, Ross and Carrie share their local tour of spooky spots with Haunted Seattle. They learn the hidden history of the area, including who died where and why they won't leave. They test the electromagnetic field of a local bar, listen to recordings that are definitely ghosts coughing, and learn s how reincarnation works!

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Ross and Carrie Practice The Art of Living: Subtly Snoring Edition

On a tip from a listener, Ross and Carrie attend an introductory session at the Art of Living, a self-improvement organization that claims to use special breathing techniques and meditation practices to make people happier. They find themselves inside one of the most beautiful (and overheated) buildings in Los Angeles, for an introduction to some basic techniques, and an invitation to their PROPRIETARY Happiness Program. Are Ross and Carrie happier now? That information is proprietary.

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Ross and Carrie Get (Haunted) Dolled Up: Portland Live Show Edition


Live from the Mission Theater in Portland, Oregon, Ross and Carrie describe the last several days being "haunted" by possessed dolls from eBay. They discuss the tender art of picking your own cursed toys, and perform a few ersatz experiments with the crowd. Plus, audience members take part in an impromptu poetry slam, and Carrie springs a musical duet on Ross.

Ross and Carrie Become Naturopaths: Centre of Excellence Edition


Ross and Carrie get certified as naturopathic healthcare providers in the most reputable way: using a website. Thanks to their old friend Groupon, they take a lengthy class at the Centre of Excellence Online, and come out ready to treat all that ails you, without ever having to do pesky stuff like interact with actual humans, or learn basic anatomy. How long will it take two eager learners to pass the final exam and become official naturopaths?